About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

SUNDAY #4855

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




It might not be accurate, it might even be propaganda but it makes me happy.  


Demonstration in front of the RuZZian embassy in Helsinki dedicated to the massacre in Bucha.


It's all just so very sad.



Johnny Depp could lose 250 hands of strip poker in a row and wouldn't even have all of his thumbs rings off yet.


These aren't "riding around listening to music" gas prices.




My sister lives in Florida and she has a rather large pond on her property. Every morning she would peer out to make sure that the three or four hand-sized turtles were still in the pond. When I asked her why she said, "If the turtles are there I know that we don't have an alligator".


Situational Awareness at its best...

That was not his first rodeo.


It's my guess that the driver got in the car looked out the windshield and didn't see any obstacles.


After careful examination, I no longer think that the bed is as dangerous as I first thought. It looks like there's a wall on one side and a hanging cabinet on the other to keep them from rolling off. However, I would have turned the bed the other way so that it wouldn't protrude into the floor space.


When I see overturn cranes and such I wonder why they don't have safety devices like all of the bucket lifts that I have rented. The bucket lifts have a sensor that will not let them operate if it is off-balance in the least.


I would think the rising hot air from the lava would make helicopter flight very dangerous.


I know that looks dangerous and it is but tires can be laid flat on the ground and filled with concrete. I am going to assume that is what happened here.


A couple of sheets of 3/4" plywood laid out on the landing spot would've kept that from happening - I think.


It was stated that the little sign beside the man reads: 

“Outside Seating Area Is Prone To Sea Spray".


How does anyone think that they can viciously attack federal law enforcement officers and get away with it?


One would think that all vehicles at airports would all have an anti-collision device like many modern cars have.


She did that AFTER watching countless YouTube videos of it doing EXACTLY the same thing.



A tattoo artist saves a client from a dental visit...

How very very wonderful.


This jerk-off needs a physics lesson.

Well, technically he just got his physics lesson.


Always run toward the train otherwise you may get the car on top of you.



If you want to make some interesting memories add some tequila.


What if when we can't sleep it's because the sleep servers are full and the spot only opens up when other people wake up?



*Viewer contribution




This took me much, much too long to identify.

I thought they were some sort of livestock.




If you looked like a very famous rich guy what would you do?

*You play the cards you're dealt!

"A child hurt himself on the swing yesterday."

"Well, I'll fix it so that never happens again."


Proof that mental healthcare is woefully underfunded.


There's a joke about gay people in there somewhere.




I'm not exactly sure what is going on in this photo.





As you can see my wife still has it…



When you think about it radiation is just...spicy air. So relax, dozens of us will survive a nuclear war...dozens.


Without a doubt, the worst part about March madness is watching me lose my bracket pool to my wife who picks teams based on the cuteness of their mascot.



And yet the creator of all that truly cares if you masturbate. Unbelievable.


With a view like that, I would never get anything productive accomplished.


That is probably a painted horse. I read once that zebras are almost impossible to break.


Are used to balance coins all the time. But that type of balancing I never accomplished.


A whole new meaning to "foot of the bed".


Non-circular gear train



Everything was designed by someone and we will mostly never know their name.


I bet that soon after mankind began cooking his meat they found plants that would enhance the flavor. And some of those same plants are used today.


A tiny $20 gadget makes handguns fully automatic. 

-sound on-



A very smart man told me that he has not lost his faith in God because there is no explanation for the forming of DNA without divine guidance. I countered that when those exact ingredients are present that's just what they do...like when machalite forms. Or water. Or a hydrogen atom.


Avian Relocation

I assume it was built in a dangerous place - either to the birds or the power line.


Model Plane

Mixed Drink

The Swordfish




Days earlier...




Many of the sites that I visit or sprinkled with images of beautiful women much like this one.


I prefer to show women doing something besides posing, showing off how well they can apply make-up, style their hair, and reveal beautiful body parts.



Anonymous said...

A4: you can turn the bed the other way if you'd like, but you'll never be able to get up and down the stairs unless you're only two and a half feet tall.

ponder said...


The woman sitting with her legs dangling off the platform is about to become an instant amputee if not dead...

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: B - the images just rotate to the right.

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