About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 13, 2022

FRIDAY #4888

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




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The Left is not guilt-free in this book banning business.


Ask Richard Nixon how hard it is to maintain a conspiracy...or Trump.

Too many Americans have to blame someone for their plight and it's easy to be convinced it's caused by people they didn't like anyway.


The only thing I didn't see coming with old age is how tired I would be. Luckily I'm not in a hurry to finish anything and can rest often.


I know I should let it but these images from the war are really getting to me.

That is the building in which these people used to live and love.

Born one month before the war, and killed by a Russian rocket at just three months old.


You can be against abortion with every fiber of your being but there are mechanisms to further your beliefs besides making it illegal. All illegality does is deny it to poor people.



Get Out Of Jail Memory

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The judge's face speaks for us all.

 Did no one ever think to challenge whether she was fit to stand trial in the first place? 


I would love to hear one of you Trumpies defend that woman. Please. Take your best shot.



Covering confederate flag bumper stickers with gay pride flag decals is a dangerous game but it's the most fun you're going to have in the South.


2016: Idiocracy was a documentary.

2022: Idiocracy was an understatement.



We called both of my daughters accidents but if you're having unprotected sex every night or two you should expect the inevitable.


Logic need not apply.






California for Dummies


In case you need to lose a boner real quick...







Remember, banana to mouth never mouth to the banana.

Please don't tell me that the clip was looped for one simple reason...


I saw a pornhub video that started off just like this.

I watched it 96 times.



You might get 15 yrs. of jail in Russia if you spread this picture around.


Sexual Assault As Entertainment

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There are no passengers on the spaceship Earth. We are all crew.


I wish my dick was still half as sensitive as my blog viewers.




That is my new favorite contemporary building.


Do you think the dog understood what he was doing?


The gauge indicates how your fragile package has been handled during shipping.


Bullshit. Do you see the problem?


Ah, springtime. I bet those things look raggedy as hell out in the wild.


Black Room

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Boot Lacing

I like those boots very much.


Rock and Roll #1

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Rock and Roll #2

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As the Kardashians celebrate their 20th season I would like to celebrate myself for never watching a single episode.



I went into Whole Foods and got to hear a woman arguing with the guy at the meat counter because she wanted "grass-fed organic chicken" and he was desperately trying to explain to her the chicken didn't eat grass.




He looks so awkward doing that left-handed. Now I wonder if they would allow left-handers to train to be snipers for that very reason.


I bet she practices in front of a mirror...naked.


No, I'm not growing a beard as much as I'm just not shaving. All of us are growing beards. Some men just insist on cutting it off every fucking morning of their adult lives...like that's natural.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


I would bet money the shells were loaded with reduced gunpowder.


Butcher Skills

I've actually wondered how they get the bare bones to stick up out of a standing rib roast.

Car Fire

Did you give up on that too soon?


Driving Lesson

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By the looks of that wall that car is not its first contact.



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Man and the Hoop

Cause why the hell not.


Science Teacher


Stupidity Tutorial

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ponder said...

Bullshit. Do you see the problem?

It's a gas stove, so the power going out does not affect it.

He looks so awkward doing that left-handed. Now I wonder if they would allow left-handers to train to be snipers for that very reason.

No idea, but I do know there are left-handed "sniper" rifles with the bolt action located on the left.

No, I'm not growing a beard as much as I'm just not shaving. All of us are growing beards. Some men just insist on cutting it off every fucking morning of their adult lives...like that's natural.

Tried a beard before and it annoyed the shit outta me, not my cuppa tea so I shave every 2-4 days.

The sum of the three numers in each box corrosponds to the position of the letter in the alphabet.

ponder said...

The Left is not guilt-free in this book banning business.

Off topic but it made me think of the ACLU.


Anonymous said...

I like to think of all the extra time I've been able to sleep in very morning for the past 54 years (and counting) since I last shaved.

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like Hillary to me. "I don't recall"

ponder said...



We'll have to wait and see who shot her but still disgusting.

Anonymous said...

There you go again. There was no abortion “BAN”. For someone who claims to have a superior education you should know the 10th amendment to the constitution. If it stands, the court merely realizes that abortion is not in the constitution and therefore the authority is with the states and the people. "Reserved powers" refers to powers that are not specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution. The Tenth Amendment gives these powers to the states.

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