About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




One day you’re young and the next you’re standing at the kitchen window staring menacingly at your neighbors.


House cats are convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.



*Viewer Contribution



I thought that an extraordinary movie.


*It always starts with book banning. Thinking is dangerous.


The lady who wrote that also wrote this:




I have no idea whether that is factual or not and I need one of you smart people to explain student loan interest to me. Please.


Here is my rationale...


Don't wait. Somehow my wife found the money for us to travel abroad numerous times while we were still young enough to enjoy it.


You would not want Nestle as a neighbor.


I have been asked many times to explain what I, personally would do about universal healthcare. First of all, I am not an expert but you don't have to be a fireman to recognize that your neighbor's house is on fire. But I do have a common-sense plan that I think just might work. First, every child in America up to the age of 18 should be provided with Medicare - immediately. Then I would like to see Medicare's age lowered to 60 years old. Five or so years later lower it to 55, etc, etc. I would also pass a law that the corporate contribution to your present health insurance would be rolled over into your salary if the government gave you healthcare.

This may very well NOT be the best plan for America but every other developed country has figured it out so I'm sure that the country that put men on the moon can solve a problem that every other country has already solved.



So, what's your point?


That reminded me of my wife's grandmother explaining that she hired a man to paint her porch but he only showed up "spasmodically". Language usage like that made me love the old lady even more.





My line of logic was if I put this sponge in the blender when I turn it on the sponge will spin around and scrub the blender for me so I don't have to spend a lot of time cleaning up. But that is not what happened.


Today I found my wife playing Cards Against Humanity by herself like Solitaire.



That is a photograph of the bridge on which U2 pilot Gary Powers was exchanged for a Soviet spy. To make sure that he was actually Gary Powers and not a look-alike they asked him, "What was the name of your high school football coach? "" And Gary Powers blubbered, "We just called him coach."


Now try to imagine the photograph that accompanied that caption.


I thought it had to do with the video game controller.


I once painted a mural of the five most famous people from that county. One of them was Dr. J. Marion Sims, the father of gynecology.

It was only after the completion of the mural that I found out about his barbarity.


It is not uncommon for testosterone-fueled warriors to get erections during combat.

A young friend of mine drove one of these during the First Gulf War.

And as he sped toward the front line he got a raging erection. When he mentioned it to his unit commander the man said that not getting an erection was cause for concern.


Recognize him?

He was Tom Brady's receiver of choice.


The Internet went nuts trying to figure out what this man was doing.

My guess is that he's preparing a street scene in a movie.


I think he's wearing spiked shoes similar to golf shoes.



Decades ago a musical group from Kenya came to our school for a demonstration. Each member of the group freaked out when they saw several black girls with their hair twisted like this.

Come to find out Kenyan tribesmen would twist the hair of insane people like that so they could be readily identified. 






When a Ukrainian farmer hears that the Russian tanks are in his field…


After spraying foam insulation.








I'm assuming they're trying to beat the heat.



Every group chat births a second smaller group chat without the annoying people and if you think yours doesn't I have some bad news for you.


My daughter was once crying over a boy and I gave her this piece of advice: "Your gonna have to be tough if you're gonna be stupid." She turned out to be a rocket scientist – literally.



You should know that ceramics is much harder than it looks. I minored in pottery and I'm still not worth a shit.


The Internet has totally ruined me.


A problem easily fixed.




Each Christmas my mother made something very similar only hers were filled with sausage and they were absolutely delicious.


Looks kind of like that ghost in the movie Ghostbusters, doesn't it?


Lava tube?


"Are you OK? You've barely touched your bluntosaurus."


Speaking of...



I bet that sign is taken very very seriously.


And as her last line of defense, she gets on top of the car - forgetting that ducks can fly.


I know a couple who are extraordinarily knowledgeable about wine and they collect it as an investment.


I'm gonna vote yes on that one.


I think it's a ruse to deter theft.


These are called rib cage showers.


How did we go from that to the bullshit we have today?


I have a friend who planted these along his sidewalk and after several decades they completely took over the front yard.


That has got to hurt.














ponder said...


Won't be long before y'all will only be allowed to read The Good Book at the rate you're banning books.

A bit of comic relief,

ponder said...

I have no idea whether that is factual or not and I need one of you smart people to explain student loan interest to me. Please.

Found this, https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2022/05/12/student-loan-interest-rates-will-increase-soon---heres-what-it-means-for-borrowers/?sh=2aa3270b6ce7

For student loan borrowers on an income-driven repayment plan, which allows them to repay their loans using a formula tied to their income, their normal monthly payment may not even be high enough to cover all of the accruing interest each month, resulting in ongoing balance growth.

To make matters worse, that accruing interest can be periodically capitalized, or added back on to the principal balance. This can have a compounding effect over time, resulting in substantial balance increases for some borrowers. Accrued interest can capitalize for a number of reasons such as entering repayment, changing repayment plans, failing to re-certify income under an income-driven plan, or ending a forbearance.

So it seems their repayments are to low to even cover the interest on the loan for starters thus the debt keeps increasing due to a build up of interest.

Looks like those with student loans are gonna get fscked harder this year,

ponder said...


What did Hawaii do or isn't that any good?

Anonymous said...

Student Loan Problem

I don't mind the government providing student loans. But I don't think they should charge interest. The person getting the loan should have to pay back the original loan and be done.

Anonymous said...

A8: I have a rather lengthy beard, and I can tell you that having a beard is way more work than shaving a couple times a week.

I just don't think the preening is worth it. I don't have to shampoo my face and comb my face on a regular basis if I shave.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Bearded Guy, What an interesting point. I also brush my face several times a day. But I think we can agree that you don't have to schedule it into your day or spend any money on blades or creams.
I mostly grow a beard because it makes my wife get wet but she asked me not to tell anybody so don't spread that around.

Anonymous said...

B-20: why would you assume they're trying to beat the heat? They're laying on an aluminum painted roof, wearing sweaters, and wrapped in blankets.
I think they just wanted to sleep on the roof, and everything in the photo suggests that it's chilly outside.

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