About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 8, 2022

FRIDAY #4944

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com









I had a commenter who used to insult me regularly. I no longer publish insults.

Then there was this.

An argument against America not being the perfect place to live was that so many people want to come to live here. We have no idea what these people's motive for wanting to come here is. Maybe their own country is worse. Maybe they fear for their lives. 

Further, there are 7 billion people and the percentage wanting to move here is statistically insignificant.

Lastly, I never said America was awful. I just realize we can do better when it comes to the welfare of its citizens.


You're confusing porn with the Bible.

If she is watching porn that says sex with underaged girls is okay, then she's confessing to a LOT of fucked up shit.



I think teaching children that masturbation is evil is 

child abuse.


It has been calculated that in the US 400,000 people 

died needlessly from covid because we have too many idiots who think they know more than all the doctors.



15 years ago, the Independence Fund began in the halls of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with one idea: helping Veterans and their families. In 2010, Sarah Verardo’s husband, Michael, was grievously wounded while serving with the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan. Sarah became a national advocate for wounded Veterans and their caregivers, and seven years after his injuries, she became the CEO of the Independence Fund. They partner with ranges to give vets a chance to shoot again. They offer retreats for wounded Veteran caregivers. They provide financial assistance and medical deliveries. They do a little bit of everything – and it adds up to a lot for our vets.


That should embarrass all Americans. We (you and I) send them into harm's way and then when they are harmed we turn our back on them and leave them at the mercy of charities.


I would first send the father in for a mental evaluation and if found competent I would charge him with accessory before the fact.



An audiobook that is 8 hours of breathing and page-turning with a surprised "Oh, out loud" right at the end.


Humans believe that "God loves me most cause I'm his chosen creation" while tortoises can easily live up to 150 years and have built-in armor.












I like Ford because they refused to take a bailout a few years ago and I put my money where my mouth was with my Ford Ranger.




Did you read the heading?



Note: This little guy is an internet meme called Confession Bear.


Let Me Translate - Expect the Unexpected

Part 1

-sound on-

Part 2



A single man cannot have a box of tissue in his room without it looking suspicious.


The man bun is the mullet of our generation.



What is the object of the seemingly foiled exercise?


My nephew and his family took in a fawn and raised it to adulthood.





In most places, that is strictly forbidden.


I think that's Yorktown in Charleston, SC.


Nothing is illegal in space.



They projected portraits of Queen Elizabeth II onto Stonehenge.

How very...regal.



Why was Oedipus against profanity?

Because he kisses his mother with that mouth.

I'm getting really tired of these motherfucking jokes.


*Another example of awesome situational awareness.


What is the skill that will make you most useful in an apocalypse? Mine is dying immediately.



I say the designer knew exactly what he was doing.


Did you notice that it is etched into the sod and gigantic? But why?


One of the more creative balloons.


HA! Remember my suggestion for smoking areas at Disneyland to be phone booth style?



It was too accurate!

It's not common knowledge, but the gun on the A10 Thunderbolt II, aka the Warthog, was too accurate and would originally draw accurate lines of fire. It was de-stabilized to create a "cone" of attack, spreading the bullets out a bit to give it a more erratic fire pattern for better dispersal and maximum effect.


Another surprise ending.


You done it.


*Playing with language is one thing. Hitting it in the back of the head with a shovel is quite another.


I still haven't figured out the mechanics of that.


More or less safe? Anybody?



Baby owls.


Lightsaber casting a shadow.

Candles and torches often cast shadows in movies.


How wonderful!


Not in a million years would I allow my wife to get that close to my junk with a sharp implement.



That is just how easy it is for two strangers to volunteer to carry your inebriated body out of a bar and into their windowless van.







What place is this?


Inchworm said...

Might be Lilliput.
Or are you looking for a real place?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Minnesota (Mini sodas)

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