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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 14, 2023

FRIDAY #5224

 One Of My Very Own








Is there a video of that? My wife would love to see it.


I was taught all my young life that Jesus died in the most excruciatingly painful way possible. I bet to disagree.




The man has the speech patterns of a fifth grader.


Egg companies blamed inflation while they raked in obscene profits.


My uncle told of a friend who needed tires but could afford them so he just traded his car for a new one. Problem solved.


I can not stress enough how dangerous it is to piss off the people handling your food.



That is creative writing in a nutshell.


"Anti-LGBTQ"? Graham IS gay.



Hollywood hasn't remade Spider-Man in a couple of weeks. I hope they're OK.


Every woman has a certain amount of forehead she's willing to crop in order to get her boobs in the picture.



When I was growing up there was nothing like the crack of the bat when the ball was well hit.

That was before aluminum bats. Now in college baseball, we have the ping of the bat and it's just not the same.

And I'm not sure why the change was made.


One of the stupidest things humans have ever done was to design the letter O in the alphabet to look just like the number 0. 

Read this for me...and do hurry.



And don't get me started on the small L/capital I problem.


And try reading these in low light.



How does anyone justify even attempting to eat this much food in one sitting?


Think of the perils of oil exploration.

Now think of the peace of clean solar and wind power.


I was intrigued at first, but then I realized most of us would slice our fingers on our first attempt.


Can you imagine owning such a thing and getting to look at it every single day?


Guess what these are.


Solar evaporation ponds

"They draw highly saline waters into very shallow solar evaporation ponds to produce salt, sulfate of potash (SOP), and magnesium chloride."


Car hits tire

Tire hits car

Similarly, my father used to tell me that hitting a cow or horse would result in it flipping over the car but hitting a full-grown sow would result in it rolling under the car and lifting it off the road.


Birdsmouth joints on a sailboat mast

I imagine they use different types of wood to produce both strength and optimum flexibility.


*Verification Requested




I have a thing about sympathetic angles and that painting is absolutely full of them.

And some people recreated it...


Clever music video set inside art




I'm not as unhinged as I could be and I want everyone to be grateful for that.


Elmo and Kermit are just fancy gloves.



Sand people ride single file, to hide their numbers.

I've seen runway models walk just like that.


You would think it would crash the drone into the bear to at least distract it.




I like when he realized he was freezing his dick off and rolled over.


I think it's scraping it in a pile for his buddy.


"You kids knock it off or I'm turning this car around right now!"




I'm naturally irritated when I first wake up. You have to give me a few days to adjust.


When she does that little muscle grip thingy.




Thank God she didn't make fun of a pregnant girl!


Yakkity Sax


I'm going to predict that any and all trials involving Donald Trump will end in a hung jury.


I think that is a way to distract the young patient during medical procedures.


I wonder if there's a reason for one of them is red.


It looks like the arrow is hinged like scissors.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons, believes in the importance of sexual purity and places a strong emphasis on marital fidelity. They teach that sexual activity should only occur within the bounds of marriage between a man and a woman and that any sexual activity outside of marriage, including premarital sex and homosexuality, is a sin. The church also teaches that marriage should be for life and that divorce should only be considered in extreme circumstances. Photographer Neil Dacosta has created the Book of Mormon missionary positions together with art director Sara Phillips. The series shows two Mormon missionaries as they surrender to carnal same-sex lust while fully clothed.


The spirit if not the letter of the law...or vice versa.


The TowTruck Mayhem


That this snowboarder brought a shovel with him ought to tell you everything you need to know about this sport.


Let's take a couple of seconds to switch gears.

We are about to get very serious.


Let the terror on her face sink in.

Some people blame evil and/or insane people.

Others fall back on solutions having to stop ALL killings when ANY reduction is desirable.

Others (like countless commenters on this blog) claim that outlawing certain guns and high-capacity magazines won't work because criminals don't follow the law.

I used to think that those who choose inaction were just ill-informed morons but now I think they are just plain evil. To look at that child's face in the photograph above and shrug it off as unavoidable is evil. Some of you KNOW there are changes that could be made that could save at least some of those young lives yet you cruelly opt to...do...nothing. You people are complicit in the slaughter of children.






Think of all the funny shit he could have said.





Anonymous said...

A7: “I can not stress enough how dangerous it is to piss off the people handling your food.” …you should post this with a déjà vu warning since you have posted this more than UPS and AT &T.

dude said...


Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: The simple answer is 5.

Anonymous said...

Anon A7..... LOLOLOL


Surely you don't believe that the Democrats will ever ban guns? They are conflicted, taking bribes just like the other lot. They are no better on health either.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think I have become a Political Racist. The Republican Party has gone off the deep end. They have gone from being conservative to just pure evil. They are the lessor form of a human and I really want nothing to do with them or their cult followers. Well, except to help vote them out.

billr said...

^^B1^^ Cost. An aluminum bat will last for years. Wooden bats break a lot. There are studies that show aluminum bats are more dangerous, especially for third-basemen and pitchers. Balls come off them faster than off wooden bats.

^^C6^^ He's herding the stuff. That's what those dogs live for.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mr. Harris, Clinton banned assault-style weapons and it cut down on mass killings. Obama tried to give us healthcare.
We will NEVER disarm Americans. I just want to give the victims a chance.

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