About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


 One Of My Very Own



I made a display stand for some installations I never got around to installing.

The Scrabble tiles spell out CERCA TROVA.

That phrase was painted in da Vinci's Anghiari Battle.

It translates to "Who seeks finds".

It's sort of my motto.


I've decided to make a display of all my key packets which will include an example of every packet I have ever plastered all over America.



He has gotten amazing things done for an old guy but his age still concerns me.


Tiananmen Square: never forget. 

The Chinese people are not our enemies.


Chemtrails, fake moon landing, flat Earth, masks don't work, vaccines will make you sick, etc - same anti-science nonsense.



Ukraine's counteroffensive: there will be no announcement.

That is an appeal like the old "loose lips sink ships". Now with social media, any mention of troop movements could cost you an army.


I haven't heard of anyone disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle lately. Did they finally fix it?


I don't really give a shit about Pride Month except it pisses off the bigots which is good.




At my age, just about everything I see reminds me of a story. Here are a few examples.


A crossword puzzle word that I don't remember seeing before - umami. It has to do with the savory taste of meat protein.

Years ago I posted my recipe for a spinach cream sauce for a fillet mignon. A commenter asked: "Who puts a thick cream sauce on a fine cut of meat like that?" I replied, "That would be the French but what do they know about cooking?"


If I'm not mistaken, those green stop signs let you know that they are not enforced by the police. They are on private property and are more or less suggestions. I was called into the huge Eastman Kodak factory outside my hometown to discuss a mural and they had green stop signs on their approach. And they also had speed limit signs that read "23 MPH". I always thought that odd.


Stane Street is the modern name of a Roman road in southern England

When doing research for a mural about the signing of the treaty between the Cherokee Nation and the British, I was taken to the old Cherokee Trail that ran from the tribe's base in Ashville, NC to Charleston. Hundreds of years of foot traffic produced a trail that looks exactly like that Roman road.


I knew a money launderer who had two of those flanking the front door of his mansion. I found out they were cast concrete. But that was quality compared to the two huge canons like you would find on an old sailing ship that was flanking his quarter-mile-long driveway - they were Styrofoam. The feds finally took everything he owned in civil forfeiture.


I find that not one bit more ridiculous than the shoes women are required to wear to work.


And then I found this...

But it reminds me of a friend of my wife's who mails her baby doll parts she finds on the beach. My wife has them positioned around the house and yard.

This is what my wife did with the last two pieces she got...


That reminds me of my very young daughter walking in on us while I was going down on my wife. When my wife went to comfort her, because of all the moaning, my daughter demanded to know if I was hurting her.


The right wants to destroy the left.

The left wants affordable education and healthcare for the right.


I'm going to write a book called "Groomers Coming For Your Children" and it's just 350 pages of convicted youth pastors.



I'm not all that proud of this section but I've been busy.



*Viewer Contribution







I know for a fact that pull-out does not work.






*Why do some people use a medium gray font on a back background?


First Responders

I mean, it sounds like he kinda gets it.


I recently bought a toilet brush...long story short, I'm going back to toilet paper and wet wipes.


Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is the ability to wait with a good attitude.





That's true, you know.





How could it not break those skinny legs?


I love fish cooked anyway but fried is my favorite.


A commenter used that phrase.


I cringe when I think about how many of my "Cautionary Tales" video end like that.


I think it is just reinforced by all the attention they get.


I often stand in awe of trees...except pines. I hate pine trees.










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Anonymous said...

puzzle. Time: it doesn't even matter

That was a good one by the way. I enjoyed that one.

Anonymous said...


A fillet mignon in France and a fillet mignon in the USA are two very different animals. In France it refers to pork while in the USA to beef tenderloin. What you call filet mignon the French call filet de boeuf.

Anonymous said...

There's no law or company policy forcing women to wear them.

Anonymous said...

You're so clueless that it makes me cringe. I'm sadly beginning to lose hope.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Commenter who is losing hope,
Please give me one concrete example and we can discuss your pain.

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