About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 15, 2023


 One Of My Very Own





When I began my dollar art series I stated that the objects were for the storage, display, or toting of currency. That one is clearly for the toting.


Since I folded every single bill exactly the same, it resulted in a pattern on the sides.

I like that about it very much even though it was purely accidental.

Also, in that last photograph, you can see the ruler I added to reaffirm the accuracy of the title.


To facilitate the removal of the rods, I did not glue them but rather left them free floating. To forestall slippage I capped the end holes with movable coins.


I placed it in a location that will ensure I look at it every single day - as is my habit for new work.

It was nice to make something without hinges for a change.


The punching of the holes was more problematic than I had anticipated. There were three layers of the bills, four layers of plastic bag, and two layers of packing tape times two per punch.


Other News

After learning of my own and my wife's ashes box that I created, a man contacted me about making him one. I declined. I'm no longer in the business of taking instructions from anyone. I might bend that rule if the price was right but I knew just by listening to him that he couldn't afford what I would charge.

I guess my profound independence has spoiled me.



Streaming companies forget that their entire existence is based on being slightly more convenient than privacy.


When your mouth is at rest are your teeth supposed to touch or not? When I am thinking about it neither feels right.




I almost missed the absurdity.









I'm glad someone filmed that for us.




Absolutely No. Do not even THINK about it.



Here's my strategy, so just hear me out. We have barbecue for lunch and then we have DIFFERENT barbecue for dinner!


Is maple the only kind of tree with delicious sap or are we missing out on other ones?



On a site that had these two very dangerous situations...

...they included this...

Hell, that's the way it is supposed to be done. My roof supports were T-shaped so I could load more sandbags. I also had a 3/4" rope secured to my safety harness just in case.



I hate shit like this.

A quick Google Search told me that was bullshit, but it also had this:

If a coin is flipped with its heads side facing up, it will land the same way 51 out of 100 times, a Stanford researcher has claimed.


The COVID pandemic caused a U.S.-wide decline in fertility rates, but red states actually saw increases.



"In 1850 Dmitri Mendeleev Walked Almost A Thousand Miles To Moscow So He Could Apply For The University Of Moscow. Although He Was Not Accepted, He Walked To St. Petersburg Where He Was Accepted, And With That Education, He Developed The Periodic Table Of The Elements"


Speaking of...


Speaking of...

A newly constructed road in Maharashtra, India.

I was hoping that was one of the new rubber surfaces but all indications are it was just shoddy work.




Without trying to start an argument, how does the far right explain their Thin Blue Line flags supporting law enforcement with the attempted murder of all those Capitol Police. 

Serious rational responses only - please.



I've written many times about how important I think the writers are. All those great lines that you will never forget came from a writer's brain before they were on the actor's lips.


One thing I've learned over the years is that sex is always better when there's a partner involved. Highly recommend.


Just because you have a tongue ring doesn't automatically make your head game peak.



Another case of "I know a guy who will do it cheaper."


Would someone care to explain that to me?



Ethan Zuckerman, The Man Who Invented Pop-Up Ads, Apologized To The World For Unintentionally Creating One Of The Internet’s Most Hated Forms Of Advertising.




Remember these geniuses?


Swimming Pool

How do you get out? Seriously, if you get sick, hungry, or for any reason decide you need to be somewhere else, how the hell do you get out?


I don't see the problem. I've done shit like that and know the trick is to go very, very slowly.


What about 2 Dogs 1 Bun?


Now pay attention. I will let the videos speak for themselves but I really enjoyed them.



Political Humor






That man needs a blow job more than anyone I've ever seen.





There's a pun in there somewhere but I forgot what it was.


Anonymous said...

That actually happened back in the day when seatbelts were introduced so nothing has changed.

Anonymous said...


Dumb fucks.

Anonymous said...

^^A8^^ And the only thing keeping you from hurtling head-on into similar boxes coming in the opposite direction is that silly yellow line painted on the road.

^^C8^^ And what do you do when all of a sudden you feel warmer water flowing past you?


You have TDS. Seek advice.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, You must have missed the TV coverage on Jan 6. There was an attempted coup. So, yeah, I have issues with Trump and it worries me that you do not. Tell me, Mike, do you think he won the election?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Puzzle Person, YES!

Anonymous said...

Mike Harris, yes, he has a bad case of it. But he seems like a smart enough man. I haven't given up on him seeing the light one day, and it will probably hit him hard. Let's do everything we can to be here for him when that day comes.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike Supporter, So, do you think Trump won the election or do you think Trump lied to you over and over and over again? We all really want to know.

Anonymous said...

No doubt he won.

Ralph Henry said...

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. "No doubt", indeed.
I would like to thank that Trump supporter for his honesty and wish him the very best.

Anonymous said...

I knew this was a "gotcha" type question, but I still answered it honestly. You really need to catch up, Ralph. Otherwise, you are contributing to the downfall of our once great country, and are nothing but another useful idiot. My Uncle's and Brother didn't give their lives for their country to have it end this way. Please smarten up.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gotcha, So just so I have it straight, you think Donald Trump is the person who will save America. Is that correct?

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