About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 One Of My Very Own




I used to hang out with real warriors and the last thing they wanted to do was talk about their experiences in combat. One of my dearest friends confided several ordeals he underwent alluding the enemy in Vietnam after becoming severely wounded but it was just he and I and it was far, far from boastful. The next time I saw his wife she said that her husband told her that he told me about Vietnam and then she asked, "Was it bad?" I just nodded.




I predict that when climate change starts to really adversely affect our lives all the climate change deniers will deny that they were ever deniers. And that's okay. There's no need for your grandchildren to think their grandpa was a fool.



I actually liked hearing from the MAGA side. There is nothing wrong with hearing both sides of an argument.


That is me when I receive praise from a commenter.



Rules for learning English:

1. Their our nun. Know knot won.


The "talking mirror" trope from fairytales probably originated when a careless time traveler was seen using a smartphone or a tablet.











You don't need to remind me, that is the reason I became a writer!


Fire News


Room Movie


Experience is what everyone calls past mistakes.


Punishable by fine means legal for a price.




Now in Canada, they do this...


Race Car Loading

Was that a grill?





After WWII, the German government decreed that you didn't have to pay property taxes for as long as your house was being worked on with a limit of 7 years. The house where I rented an apartment had new doors, siding, roof, etc except for the back which was torn to shit. He, like all of his neighbors, planned to bring the rear up to code when the 7 years expired.


I've been asked to add a section called News From The Front to cover Ukraine's response to Russia's invasion. I would love to but I don't come across enough material to fill it. Plus, I'm a couple of weeks ahead on my blog so by the time you read what I post it will have become old news.


Russian forces destroy Kakhovka dam, triggering humanitarian disaster.

The dam of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant across the Dnipro River, occupied by Russian forces, was destroyed on the morning of June 6, sparking a large-scale humanitarian and environmental disaster across southern Ukraine.

Ukraine's Southern Operational Command reported early in the morning that Russian forces blew up the dam.

Video footage widely spread on social media clearly shows a major breach in the section of the dam closest to the Russian-occupied eastern bank of the river.  According to a resident of a nearby settlement cited by Ukrainska Pravda, there was a single explosion, after which the dam "collapsed like a house of cards.




"But don’t worry stranded Ukrainians, I have it on good authority from some blue check accounts on Twitter and Tucker Carlson himself that it was actually Ukraine who destroyed the dam to conduct an amphibious assault, so I’m sure they’ll be there any minute. Because as Sun Tzu said: “when assaulting a defended position, do everything you can to make it amphibious, as amphibious assaults are notoriously easy.”

*Verification Requested


Watching events in Ukraine gives me a better understanding of generational hatred. How long must it take for the Ukrainians to forgive the Russians?


If you set aside making a suit out of those women, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs was just a guy trying to achieve his dreams.


Can you imagine what it would be like to be the very first person sent to hell? They must have thought, "All of this just for jacking off too much?"




Did you notice the colors? How very wonderful.



And when they get up to speed they swell up...



Cat and the Eggs



"The license plate reads “YDHT” which stands for “You Didn’t Have Too”. She chose that because he is not her biological father, he was dating her mother when she was a little girl and took on the responsibility and adopted her and raised her like she was his own."

*I just want my daughters to know I had to sell a car...no, TWO cars just like that.


Loading a 4-wheeler with a most unusual finale


Seafood Prep

God, I love seafood.





I got exhausted just watching that.


Babies just be saying stuff and you gotta nod and agree like they'll say, "I like ice cream cause I don't like frogs" and you be like "Damn for real?" and it helps with their development or some such shit.


I love being horizontal. If I am not horizontal I am waiting for a time to become horizontal.



Back when I was painting murals all over the country, I had a philosophy that went something like this:

If you had control of a sound system that blared music throughout a city, don't you think it only fair to ask the citizens of that town what kind of music they preferred?

In the same way, I placed a huge painting that I more or less forced people to look at every day of their lives and I felt it my responsibility to ask them what kind of art they preferred. I never compromised my core aesthetic or social beliefs, but I always asked the funding source to guide me.

Now I want you to look at these murals and ask yourself if you think they asked the citizens what they preferred looking at.











I think the only difference between graffiti and murals is that the muralist asks for permission.

^^E 1-10^^









See if you can catch it on the first read.


Anonymous said...

Many people feel the same about the US...

Anonymous said...

*I just want my daughters to know I had to sell a car...no, TWO cars just like that.

That's creepy, I would keep that too myself. My parents made sacrifices for us but never would they even mention it!

Anonymous said...

^^E 1-10^^

I liked all of those.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time
I wish “I” didnt exist.
The Genie got rid of the LETTER “i”.
Thus “Nothing”(Nothng)and “Again”(Agan).

Ralph Henry said...

Dear D7 Anon, That was a joke.


A2; all these vets benefitted from the inventiveness of a successful capitalist economy. You are always moaning on about wars enriching people. What would you do? Stop individuals from making profits from war and invention? That would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Socialist societies don't have a patents system, thus they copy all their inventions and planes from the capitalist West, Jlyushin produced copies of US planes even down to printing "Made in America" on ehgine parts and seats...

Anonymous said...


Imagine Boer war (ended 1902) soldiers having to go abroad and fight in the British side in the Great War 12 years later. This was on the side of the army that had confined Boer women and children in concentration camps in an effort to starve out the fighting men.

Anonymous said...

That was a pill too bitter for some to swallow, read up on Maritza rebellion. Even in WW2 there was the Ossewabrandwag that went with the axiz as they would not support the British.

The Irish also would not join the war due to their history with the Brits.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Telegraph Reader,
So, you read a ridiculous article about one teacher as grounds for accusing us all of being nuts. Am I allowed to bring up an article about a priest doing something ridiculous to declare all of them nuts? Am I allowed to post information about an attack on a trans bar as proof that all anti-trans people are murderers?
Don't be obtuse.

Anonymous said...

Paedophilia & murder is encouraged and justified?
Post your articles.

PS Anybody believing in that skydaddy stuff is a bit nuts btw.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mr. Obtuse,
That makes no sense. Please, let it go.

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