About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 One Of My Very Own





Logic need not apply.



A lot of people say if I was a woman I would look like her.


I would eat it.




I like a woman who can still have eyebrows after wiping sweat from her forehead.


The best part of a cucumber taste like the worst part of a watermelon.



I wonder if he lost his key or stole the bike.


I have a dozen or so MP4s with sound in this post and be forewarned - some of the accompanying sound is awful. I really don't know why they think a stupid soundtrack is necessary.


Excluding the humor factor, could there be another explanation for that?



Do they not have above ground-power lines in that city?



"Develey Mustard Jars, Made To Become Drinking Glasses After The Removal Of The Lid And The Label."

Companies used to do that all the time. I wish they would bring it back.


"Instead Of Polluting The Planet With Confetti, Hole Punch Leaves Instead!"


"This Mini Thrift/Exchange Corner By The Dumpsters Where Neighbours Place Their Still-Usable Unwanted Items"


"McDonald's France Start To Remove Single Use Packaging, To Replace Them With Washable Ones"


Lion Kill - up close and personal


Oh, really? You might want to listen to every word of this.


Taxidermy Bird Drones Fly For Science

Mostafa Hassanalian is an associate professor at New Mexico Tech who disguises research drones as birds by combining actuation mechanisms with taxidermy. With this unusual method, researchers can study birds at a much closer range without distressing them.

Think what a great reconnaissance drone that would be.


Rooster Wannabe


Being old is a full-time job and I'm the employee of the month.


I wonder if the guy who coined the phrase "One hit wonder" came up with any other phrases.






I've sneaked beer into more places than you can imagine including hospitals.


When I was but a child in Birmingham, Alabama there was an old black me who sold hot tamales out of a cart just like that. My father would often come home drunk in the middle of the night and wake all of us kids up to help him eat a bag of the best tamales in the world. He ended up getting the recipe from the old man and many of my relatives still make them themselves.


Sure, why not?


Pre-war Ukranian Assessment




"This is a stick up!"



Air Evac Mishap




Massive Demolition in China

“Ghost Towers” built as cheaply as possible by unscrupulous developers to get the government grants, Sat unfinished for 8 years." 


I wonder if that last one was supposed to fall.


Off To The Races




After posting less-than-flattering memes concerning the rich people dying trying to look at the Titanic I was accused of being..."envious". Well, here's the way I feel about that.

My sympathy comes on many levels. For instance, these stupid thrill-seekers deserve very little:

But, at least, those people were getting a little exercise. The people on the submersible were just sitting on their asses.


Here are the people I have a great deal of sympathy for:

The kid with cancer who is fighting for his life...

And the guy trying to earn a living.

But rich people on a very expensive thrill ride...not so much.


When a strip club isn't open there should be a sign that says "Sorry we're clothed".


We humans are very lucky that evaporation causes a cooling effect.



More people should start taking the stairs.







When an employer says they’re offering a competitive salary, I assume that we’re all gonna assemble in the breakroom for medieval combat.


It's 4 am and my foot fell asleep so I guess we're doing this one body part at a time now.



A Woman On Omaha Beach, Normandy, France, In 1947, Three Years After Allied Forces Invaded German Occupied France. Photo By David Seymour.

Several of the Mulberry harbor units are still there 75 years later.


"20,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Uncovered By Researchers In White Sands National Park. According To A New Study, These Tracks Date To Between 21,000 To 23,000 Years Ago—a Time When Massive Ice Sheets Are Believed To Have Blocked Human Migration Into The Americas. Photo By Dan Odess"


"Jimi Hendrix Playing For Wilson Pickett In 1966"


"Anatoly Karpov Playing An Exhibition Chess Game, 1978"



*Verification Requested


Flash Flood in Zaragoza, Spain

I would really like to know if any of you know the Dos and Don'ts of actions we should take if we found ourselves in a similar situation.


Great Couple



He freehanded that instead of using a simple template. Interesting.












Anonymous said...

B3 : All my favorite bars have these.
We call it the barf bowl. This one comes complete with handlebars.

Burgervan said...

PUZZLE TIME: 12 Hours. People are Fuckin' LAZY! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Those high voltage electricians usually get paid well. Anyone working on high voltage high current stuff you could probably call a thrill seeker. I knew two guys working in that field of which one died and the other survived, they weren't scraping by either. There's a reason I specialised in low current stuff when studying electrical eng, it's a riskier field.

That cancer kid is probably dreaming about skateboarding at the local bowl or jumping his bmx with his friends like most kids qualifying them as thrill seekers.

Wtf are astranuats, fighter pilots,rescue swimmers then?

You're just an old sourpuss.

NonMAGA said...

B11 - looks more like a cheetah than lion

C8 - The so called dark ages weren't that dark. It was a term used by later historians who wanted to separate the classical age from the enlightenment.


The barn took 180 manhours, so with 14 people = 180/14 ~ 13 all things being equal

Anonymous said...

puzzle time...
I'm guessing it's an 80 hour job for one person. 14 people would take 1/14 that amount of time, or 5.7 hours.


A4; you do look like Angeline Jolie; you have no tits, just like her.

Anonymous said...

Yip B11 are cheetahs, lions, cheetahs, leopards all look the same... The buck was a Kudu ;)

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