About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 11, 2023

FRIDAY #5343

 One Of My Very Own



- beware of absurdity -



Speaking of...














Oil companies knew in the 60s that climate change was a problem and decided that the best strategy was to confuse us. And it worked.






My wife just bought ice cream with raisins, so, that was a fun marriage.


At this point, I don't even know if I'm breathing correctly.






















Sometimes I get road rage walking behind someone at the grocery store.


Anybody can be a sword swallower at least once.



How in the hell did they do that? I understand leaving gaps to stop an errant topple but you can't leave gaps in a tower. There must be tricks of which I am not aware.


It probably never occurred to her to think about what it would do to her parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents if that pole had severed the top part of her body from the lower part. I call that irresponsible.

Here's a comment:

"That cancer kid is probably dreaming about skateboarding at the local bowl or jumping his BMX with his friends like most kids qualifying them as thrill seekers.

Wtf are astronauts, fighter pilots, and rescue swimmers then?

You're just an old sourpuss."


That person cheated. They took what I said and twisted it to fit their narrative. I specifically said that people taking risks to earn a living was a necessary risk. And nobody thinks that I'm opposed to getting exercise by skateboarding or riding a bike. What I oppose is stupidity and you all know that.


Commenters cheat like that often. I say that trans people should be able to live peaceful lives and am accused of wanting to cut the dicks of little boys without their parents' consent. I said that separating mothers from children at the border is wrong and all of a sudden I'm for open borders with no constraint at all. I say we should get weapons of war off our streets and people accuse me of wanting to strip them of their hunting rifles or home protection pistols. So, please, don't take what I say and take it to the absurd. It's just getting tiresome.


One million cubic kilometers of freshwater may be stored underground below the sea floor within 150 kilometers of seashores worldwide (for reference, New York City consumes about 1.4 cubic kilometers a year). Researchers pinged the ocean floor off the coast of New Jersey with electromagnetic fields. The return signal differs between salt and fresh water in the rocks, giving the researchers an indication of where freshwater might be. 

Why this matters: Only 2.5 percent of all the surface water on Earth is freshwater. Such undersea reservoirs could be a valuable resource in the coming years as water scarcity intensifies.

What the experts say: We need to learn more about these marine aquifers. Pumping fresh water from these sources could disrupt essential land aquifers or cause cave-ins or sinking of the seafloor.


That is a very interesting read.


Let’s Learn To Dance

What a joyous thing to do.


Baby's First Kiwi


Liquid-applied sound deadener (LASD)

Am I missing something? That doesn't look all that efficient.


Rescuing Baby


The spider-tailed horned viper, in the Zagros mountains, Iran

I bet that is very effective.


I've never really thought about a snake needing to drink just like every other animal. I always thought that the swallowed animal's blood and other fluid would hydrate them.


Every time I use self-checkout it seems like the person in front of me has never used self-checkout, touchscreens, or money before.


I took a girl to a coffee shop on our first date and she ordered a slice of cake. When the cake came the waitress sat it down in between us with two forks. The girl then proceeded to shovel the cake in her face with both forks - one and each hand. Anyway, we've been married for 32 years.



I used to have a section titled: 


Then I got a very nice comment that wanted to know what was wrong with being a slut. And looking back on my life I realized I was a bit of a male slut so I stopped posting that section. It was replaced with WOMEN YOUNGER THAN MY WIFE which, I hope, celebrates young women.


That reminds me of that hot water bottle I bought in Paris.


We've all tried that, haven't we?


How did they determine that the goats "craved" human urine?





There was a prostitute in Amsterdam with that as her specialty.


Shit, guys do nothing but test their testicles.





"I'll take female genitalia for $500, Alex."


Brazil nut can be sexually transmitted.

If you are allergic to Brazil nuts and have sex with somebody, who just ate some, you might have an allergic reaction.

To date, Brazil nuts are the only food allergen known to be sexually transmitted like any other STD.


Sex toys are sold as novelty items so they don’t have to be tested to make sure they are safe for use.










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Wrekreation said...

puzzle time - great picture. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Yo old zealot.."The FDA has now endorsed treating COVID with #Ivermectin"

Ralph Henry said...

Dear FDA Cultist,
Yeah, but whatta they know?

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