About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

SUNDAY #5345

 One Of My Very Own



And more seriously...












"Shitposting" is an anagram of "Top Insights".


My wife responds to the word "margarita" the same way my dog responds to the word "walk".




This is what she deserves...


Weird. Insane even.


He probably should have just used her name.


I wonder how long he had waited for that.



“Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver was not originally written about West Virginia, but the neighboring state, Maryland. When writing the chorus, they found that “West Virginia” fit the cadence better than “Maryland” so they changed the lyrics to fit that state."


"The only person in ZZ Top without a beard is named Frank Beard."


I would take that as an omen.


After 911, my city gave NYC a fire truck. A year or so later NYC bought my city one to replace it. I was brought in to paint a mural to memorialize the event. During the days I worked in the fire station I watch firefighters practice shit like that all day every day.


That bastard could have nailed George Bush right between the eyes.


Yeah, well, both of those guys need bitch slapped.


Ukraine: This is why these men fight. 

They fight so others can live free again.


Imagine being a drunk vegan and going home and eating celery sticks.


What if your name was Tony but spelled Togna like in bologna?



*Viewer Contribution


Ongoing Mystery

The pandemic emergency has been officially declared over, but we still don’t know definitively where the virus came from. Genetic evidence puts the COVID-causing virus, SARS-CoV-2, in many of the stalls selling wild animals at a market in Wuhan, China, where the first disease cases were identified. But some hypothesize that the virus escaped from a research lab near Wuhan–there's no evidence of an intentional release, but an accidental leak is still plausible. In June, several government agencies released their own assessments on the virus’s origin: four thought the virus came from a natural spillover (from contact with animals at the market or otherwise), two thought it was a lab leak, and others were inconclusive. None of these assessments was made with high confidence.



"Light Pollution From Train Line Over Old Houses In China"


"Gurugram, India"


"Satellite View Of New Delhi (A City Of Some 20 Million People)"


"Mumbai Water Pipes With Garbage And Slums, Those Pipes Supply Water To Localities With Apartment Rates Exceeding A Million Dollar For 3bhk In Bandra, Santacruz"


"Egyptian Times Square, Cairo, Egypt"


"Metro Manila, Philippines"


Zweibrucken (R2D2 Observatory).



Speaking of...


I would like to thank all the Ph.Ds who made that possible and also the AC guy who kept them cool and the cafeteria staff for feeding them.


Las Vegas Sphere





If dogs can have treats to clean their teeth why can't we?

I can't wait for Artificial Intelligence to meet Natural Stupidity.


Whoever wrote that must not live in the South.

Down here they even help us shop...


"A group of pandas is called an “embarrassment.”


There are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are molecules in the universe.




That's another tool that you may only use once but no other tool will do what it does.







They must feed from different flowers.




That blue one went right over my house and downed a dozen trees in my yard.






Forklifts Pros










Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time

Anonymous said...



You use the word "capitalist" as a term of abuse. Yet it's the reason why your society is the wealthiest that has ever existed.

Anonymous said...

C2-Covid was a bio-weapon. Why do you think the "war" in Ukraine was started? That cesspool was lousy with labs. Ignorance on your part makes you another useful idiot. Dig for the truth. You're older, but I am too. Do better.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you so very much for your comment. To ease your distress, I have instructed my board of directors to immediately address your concerns in order to elevate Folio Olio to a standard to which you will approve. In the future, if I ever post something with which you disagree, please do not hesitate to bring it to my and my viewers' attention.
Have a blessed day.

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