A classic as old as the internet.
"Synchronize this, motherfuckers!"
Speaking of...
I'm thinking movie special effects. Anybody?
I watched a guy try to pick up a young woman at a bar and when he put his drink to his mouth the little red bar straw went in his nose instead of his mouth and when he instinctively lowered the glass the straw remained protruding from his nose and in one swift fluid swipe a hand came up, swept across his face, and the straw had vanished.
Look very carefully...
Is that what they call a "Choker"?
Betting his life that all those other people are paying attention.
I think that it would be much more fun if under the table they were allowed to kick and grab each other.
I didn't know chickens could live that long.
Food for thought.
My buddy Dave went to the drive-thru and after counting his money forgot to put the thingy back in the tube. Ten minutes later he went back to return it and the teller screamed at him like he was a disobedient child.
Nature Observation1
Nature Observation2
Truck Loading Pro
Logic Need Not Apply

1 comment:
Puzzle Time
Move the horizontal of one 7 over to the zero making it an 8. 7+1=8
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