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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 1, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Blue Danube Waltz

 When you are offended by the truth.

The latest Wikileaks release of leaked CIA cyberweapons includes "Scribbles" -- referred to by the CIA as the "Snowden Stopper" -- a watermarking tool that embeds web-beacon style tracking beacons into secret documents that quietly notify a central server every time the document is opened.  


 An official Democratic "autopsy" detailing the miscues and mistakes that led to their 2016 election losses will not be made public but will be kept strictly under lock and key.
So, here is my take on the subject:

South Carolina is considering opening up off shore drilling. Some people think this is what it will look like.
 Of course that is ridiculous, but the concerns are real. You can't imagine how much much beach tourism brings in, the same industry that would be ruined with a leak. Tough call.


The climate march in Washington DC

You can tell a lot about a person by eavesdropping on their phone conversation in the next stall.


But these images beg for an explanation...

Or at least a transcript of what the photographer told the model to persuade her to do these things...

 The ballerina.

I hate people who apparently can't drink scotch without telling everyone how old it is.


I detest manipulators.

Boy, have I covered the subject of graffiti to death.
 I have, however, come around from detesting it to just being bored by it; since man has been writing stupid shit on wall for...oh, EVER.
 But I know there is so much talent out there...so many gifted and highly motivated young people who seem not to be able to move on to the next step...ie, maturity.
But this is the future I see.

I don't like fads. There's something about jumping on band wagons that just seems so pathetic. Like you have given your creativity over to the masses.
 Doing things because everyone else is doing it leads directly to tragedies like this.

And, of course, this insanity.
 That guy has placed all his eggs in one very fragile basket. Science is a powerful foe when it comes to Bronze Age mythology.
 Of course, snowflake, but look at the lives they have shattered with unfounded guilt.
 Yet you CHOOSE to follow the dogma because it's easier than facing the nothingness of death.
 You, of course, are guaranteed eternal life...which, I admit, is pretty tempting.
 Until I ask you what that first day would be like. What would you do? We are told that you will recognize others, but does that mean your rapist if he repented just in the nick of time? Do you eat? Shit? Have sex? Is there humor? And if you laugh can you make jokes like I am in the habit of making? Probably not. How fucking boring is that.
The best I can deduce is that you sit up there and kiss god's ass for-fucking-ever...never mind that most of your family, friends and neighbors are being tortured in the very next room. Shame on you, you insensitive, heartless prick.

But why? Why would you believe such blatant tripe? To give yourself the false sense that you have some control over your ultimate destiny.

I have never taken advantage of a drunk woman.
Now, that doesn't mean I haven't bought her a lot of drinks to loosen the bitch up.
(sorry, but my humor knows no bounds)

So, so subtle.

Is there anyone on the planet who still blames the gun for that instead of the parents?
It irritates me that people try to separate "good" from "bad" drugs by whether it's legal or not.
I trust the 19 year old kid just trying to make enough money to get through college over Big Pharma who makes billions. Who do you think has the biggest PR budget?

I make it a habit of filling my medicine cabinet with ping pong balls before a dinner party.







“How could you just walk out on me like this? And, by the way, ‘nit-picking’ has a hyphen.” 

I've learned everything I need to know about stupid people from stupid people.


I’m just going to keep telling my wife she's pretty until she offers to pay for my laser eye surgery.


I normally don't like "luck" shots, but  that (unless it is manipulated) is just so wonderful.
A naked woman photographing a clothed man.



How depressing.

I think that's a lens distortion and not the moon. 

 How majestic that the shadows appear blue.

Hibernation is NOT a country of stoner bears.


 That new website I found is eat up with depressing stuff like that.


Anonymous said...

your humor knows no bounds... goddmanit you are hilarious. i get the joke. brilliant.

Anonymous said...

This election has demonstrated that the informed, reasoning, ethical public that our representative democracy depended on no longer votes. Hillary did not lose because she correctly called attention to the fact that Trump depended on this mob of animals, but because those remaining informed, reasoning, and ethical Americans did not vote in sufficient numbers. Hillary courting the mob was not the answer, nor will it be the path to America's reestablishment. The problem was insufficient counter reaction to the Trump mob.

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