About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, December 16, 2019

MONDAY #4008

One Of My Very Own




I'm still impressed by this the second time around.
I think there must be a hell of a headwind. 

Looks totally 3-D...
That is fucking awesome. How do you put a price on something that uniquely wonderful?

Morris Lewis
 After he became very famous and very rich, they asked him why his first paintings were all angled in toward the middle.
He said that his studio was in the basement of his home and the wall wasn't big enough to hold the whole canvas so he had to suspend the corners.
After he became rich and could afford a huge studio, his paintings took a more traditional look.

Discoveries like this are the result of countless experiments.

I once know a pottery teacher who encouraged his students to try applying mustard, orange juice, mud, and any and all other things to the glaze to see what would happen.

This man is as about universally loved and admired as any living human.

Oh, my.
I lost my virginity after watching my cousin do that with her tongue.


I heard somebody say that you aren't fat, you have fat. I say language evolves into new ways to refer to old things.



They better hope nobody needs that runaway ramp.
 If you can dodge a snowball you can dodge a truck. 

 Look at those pictures carefully.

They even offered free shipping...

This is what the rug looked like.

This one even included the fucking dog.
I would like it just for the story.

The Germans were credited with being great engineers, but that is their grenade. Ours looks like this.
Which do you think would stand a better chance of penetrating undergrowth like foliage in the forest or making it through a small window? I'll take the small ball every time.




When I'm sad I remember that the world is billions of years old and I managed to exist at the same time as the Green Bay Packers.



You have to constantly keep asking yourself if you are solving problems or causing problems. You know beyond a doubt that no one is correct on every single opinion. Use that self-doubt that has served mankind so well.

 In the last twenty or so years, I have changed my mind on many things. I don't need kudus.
I just wish it was contagious. 

Why would anyone give a shit with whom someone finds love? Just because it is different than the way you do it? That's hardly an excuse to hate.

That, however, doesn't immunize them from being the butt of jokes.


But some huge corporations have discriminated and that just ain't right, Y'all.
See, they reevaluated their opinion.

I find bred deformity disgusting. You are literally breeding in health problems instead of breeding OUT health problems. Shame on you.

We all know what this is...

That should teach us the same lesson as the brave passengers on Flight 93 on 9/11. They may have been unable to save their own life, but they probably saved the White House.
These days citizens must take action. And remember, the three men above didn't know each other, but they all knew they could make a difference.

The rising sea levels are now inevitable and the scene below will become commonplace in places where it has never happened.
When cities are devastated, what will you climate change deniers say? Well, I didn't want to damage the economy? Or blame it on other countries but your own? The one thing you CAN NOT say is that you had no idea it was going to get that bad. 

"The treatment, known as reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance, or RISUG, is reversed with a second shot that breaks down the gel, allowing sperm to reach the penis normally." 

Why do we keep electing clowns?

Speaking of clowns...

If you are one of the dozen or so people in America who have not smoked marijuana, then I forgive your ignorance. But the rest of you KNOW dope is much more harmless than alcohol. That man above has been bought to profess that nonsense.

The crazy part about it is that the system is the same for the private healthcare they pay into (as per the post)! Do these people seriously think that the money they pay into healthcare is, what, kept into a savings account for when they, and only they, need it? But if that was the case why would they need insurance in the first place? They're paying into a common pot, they're already paying for John and Linda's treatment, as long as John and Linda have the same insurance as them.

I know I'm stating the obvious but it is so frustrating.

If you own a dog this aggressive, then shame on you.
 That looks like a public setting that probably has children afoot and that is totally unacceptable.

I taught my dogs since infancy that they were never, ever allow to put human flesh in their mouths. How? The first time it does the above you ram two of your fingers so far down its throat that the gag repeatedly. Then you tease them with those same fingers again and it will probably nip them again. Repeat the gag but this time longer (don't be timid) and it will never bite your or anybody else's fingers again.

When my students made a great mess in my art classroom I apologized to the janitor. He just laughed and said that if nobody made a mess he wouldn't have a job.

The first night I spent at my wife's house I found this...
I knew I had a keeper.


I asked a guy reading a braille book about what kind of book it was. He said, "It's a horror novel and something bad is about to happen, I can just feel it."


Mont Saint-Michel tide, France

I love that not for the tidal phenomena it illustrates, but the amazing visuals.

What Happens Next to this...thing?
 A. It lifts off the ground.
B. It drives by.
C. It collapses.
D. It sinks into the earth.
B. It just drives by.

Looking at his hand like every dancing Disney Princess.

I would be interested in knowing how many townsfolk are killed by polar bears each year. And further, can you get insurance to cover that?

I've never understood why microwave bacon tastes like shit.
I didn't know what sous-vide means so I Googled it.

And that would save the bacon grease to flavor your beans and shit.

They are called Burnt Ends and there is no better food on Earth.

In Norway, they have little shelters to keep your bike seat dry.



For a song called Piano Man, the dude with the harmonica won't shut the fuck up.






 Those slick bastards.

Is that true? 




If you are wondering about my wife's culinary skills, she is always asked to bring paper towels to family gatherings.


If anybody needs a male contraceptive it's India.

A Finnish author said there are only two kinds of Finns, those who could not imagine their city bombed, and those who do not have to.

 80 years ago, the Soviet Union attacked Finland and the Winter War began.
 The Soviet Union was expelled from the League of Nations, a body created after World War 1 to prevent future conflicts.
 In the end, Finland was forced to sign a peace treaty that caused it to lose significant amounts of land. Finland would later attack alongside Nazi-Germany to reclaim these territories, unsuccessfully.
 The war lasted 105 days, with 25 904 Finnish and 126 875 Soviet soldiers killed. That's a five to one kill ratio for the Finns.
[verification needed]

The first female ever to be cited for valor in Close Quarter Combat.
 But are we sure that picture is of her? It looks a bit different. But yes, Leigh Ann Hester was amazing.

 Scientists have created an algorithm that removes color distortion from objects taken underwater. Now you can see their real colors.



 You are not only bigger than they are, but you are also smarter than they are.

 Have you ever heard the expression "crash and burn"?

 "I'll never forget her last words."








Unknown said...

Fisher price

Anonymous said...

My favorites today:
*Runaway truck on ramp
*The crocheted blanket
*Beginnings cartoon re bigotry
*Baby w/ medicine
*Astronaut tips
AND WTF was with that fish in the oven?????

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