About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




LHCb discovers three new exotic particles

The discoveries announced today by the LHCb collaboration include new kinds of exotic hadrons. The first kind, observed in an analysis of “decays” of negatively charged B mesons, is a pentaquark made up of a charm quark and a charm antiquark and an up, a down, and a strange quark. It is the first pentaquark found to contain a strange quark. The finding has a whopping statistical significance of 15 standard deviations, far beyond the 5 standard deviations that are required to claim the observation of a particle in particle physics.


Has anyone noticed this country does not tackle its biggest problems? I wonder if corporations buying off the people elected to tackle problems has anything to do with it?




The Rich Are Working An Incredible Grift

But the rate is only part of the problem. The loopholes that allow them to escape any tax responsibility are the other side of the coin.

*Verification Requested


I've talked to many people who have just given up on politics altogether. But if you stay away from the polls then the authoritarian bunch wins.
Word on the street...

I had to look it up...

Do you mean to tell me that the far right is bent out of shape because people acknowledge that racism exists?



A year ago a bunch of us were like "when this is over we should all hang out", now I just kiss and gurgle at the sun while I eat raw fish I catch with my paddle-like hands.


I placed "per my last email" in the attack position. "Per my last email" allows me to summon my previous email from the discard pile. I place my previous email in a defensive position then place "no worries if not" faced down and in my turn.





I'm a fan of yards that reflect nature instead of a golf course.


And don't tell me it can't be helped. Hilton Head Island has the same gas stations and fast food joints but they also have sign ordinances that would never allow that blight.


I have sneaked beer in and out of more places than you can imagine.


I've never thought about that kind of light pollution.


I would actually like to see a guy try that.


Said to be true.


Yes, she's thinking exactly what you are thinking.

Now smile at how small Trump's hands are.




Sounds like a good time.


*Verification Requested




The artist in me agrees. Sadly, most folks have no idea what visual stimulation is.


This physics professor is becoming an internet star for her cool demonstrations.

- sound on -

Many more here:



Psychedelics are for people who are not afraid of what's hidden in their deepest memories and thoughts. I am not such a person.


Academia is like if all the people who were uncool in high school formed their own high school.



There's a Jesus joke in there somewhere.


Have I mentioned lately how much I love good bread?

I've never understood why Americans don't eat great bread like the Europeans.


That looks so unstable. It looks like one stiff breeze would blow it over.


Why was that posted on a humor site?


It looks like he's wearing one jersey over another but I can't make it out.


Look closely...


What has he got to do with Shrek?




There are two-speed bumps on my street (not like that one). They have really slowed the traffic but they confuse me. The speed limit is 25mph and I think at that speed the speed bumps should be manageable. But the speed bumps are constructed in such a way that you have to slow down to like 10mph. Why?





This took me much, much too long.

At first, I thought it was a crack in the floor.


This brilliant tip requires only a toilet, a bag of screws, and a box of elastic bands.

(Sound on and after you get the general idea skip to 2:30.)


John Oliver freaks out over creepy dolls that have been washing up on Texas beaches

My wife has a friend on the West Coast who picks up doll parts on the beach from the Japanese tsunami and mails them to my wife. We have dozens displayed in my house and yard.


The Speedcult Park is a backyard full of wicked thrill rides in Detroit



When the moon hits your dish

And you mispronounce fish



*Remember this? One of my favorites.


Have you ever stuck your cock in a macaron salad at a Publix deli? Asking for a friend.



What have we done?



I have a very similar weapon and can assure you that it kicks like a mule.


Do you see the garbage can hooked over his trailer hook? I used to live on a property with a long driveway that encircled the house. I regularly hooked my garbage can over my trailer hook to haul it out to the street. Once my wife and I headed to the VA for a checkup and on the way, several people honked at us and I just waved back thinking it was one of my students. When we parked the truck at the VA the garbage can was still on the trailer hitch. We both screamed like snake-bit little girls and just threw the receptacle in the bed of the truck.


Did you notice he faked it?



I think he ought to at least charge a fee.


The downside to fireworks...


An investigation into Naude’s murder is underway, and there's currently no suggestion that he was targeted because of his trophy hunting – a lucrative activity that remains legal in South Africa. And to the frustration of wildlife groups, the South African government announced an increase in the quotas for the number of endangered elephants, black rhinos, and leopards that hunters can kill. 




Several people thought the next two were faked. What say you?


Shampoo Prank

Car Wash


Drone footage of route 112 in Quebec was destroyed by a landslide in 2009











ponder said...


ponder said...


Imagine if that guy falls, outch...

I've never thought about that kind of light pollution.

1000s of SpaceX Starlink satellites ain't gonna help with this problem.

But the speed bumps are constructed in such a way that you have to slow down to like 10mph. Why?

I think that will remain one of life's unanswered questions.

Anonymous said...

Young Billy Joel drinking in public

BillR said...

^^C10^ Speed bumps. Because if you can go over the bump at 25 mph you're probably going faster than that before you get to it. Speed limits are not intended to be minimums. People in my neighborhood complain about police stopping "speeders" all the time. The speed limit is 25 mph and they whine when they get caught going 35 mph. There's a fucking elementary school here, folks. Do you know how stupid little kids can be? It takes 25 minutes tops to get from one end of town to the other. How fast do you need to get anywhere really?


"corporations buying off the people elected to tackle problems has anything to do with it?"

^^A3^^Re health
And that alone is a good reason not to give Democrats your support Ralph; they're just as big shits as the other lotof brigands...

n2prenr said...

C4 and C5 I would suggest the humor in that image is the mix of fashion choices on the lady. Balenciaga had a reputation as a couturier of uncompromising standards and was called "the master of us all" by Christian Dior. That Jacket would retail in the $1600(USD) price range. The gentleman's shirt is a extremely poor attempt at a knock-off as the fashion house name is spelled Dolce & Gabbana. The design on the shirt is DG initials, abeit printed reversed.

n2prenr said...

Ralph, Please disregard my previous email. This is more concise and accurate. Thanks!

C4 and C5 Both clothing articles in the photos are extremely poor attempts at reproducing fashion knock-offs. The spelling of both pieces is at first glance, representative of: lady's jacket Balenciaga.
Man's shirt Dolce and Gabbana

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, but what about doing something about the climate crisis? And abortion? A veteran services? Etc, etc, etc.
I agree they are all shits, but my shits didn't try to overthrow a fair election and, above all, Donald Trump doesn't belong to the Democratic Party.
Stay well, my friend.

Crashsq said...

C5 I believe the man is standing inside a bus stop and the letters you are seeing are reflections on the glass he is behind based on the fact those letters seem to be backwards as opposed to the shirt letters.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: swatch, scotch

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