About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 8, 2013

FRIDAY #1806

It seems it's raining these things...
...and I haven't seen a single one.

The girl in blue seems to know what comes next...

"I now pronounce you...."
 Pronounce them what? Got any funny ideas about that?

You think FDR's cousin Daisy Suckley did this for him?
 I will bet money on it....I mean, with a name like Suckley? Can't you just hear him, "Get on out there Daisy and show me what you got, girl, and I'll just sit here in the Bentley and choke the old chicken."

If I were to give up sarcasm, that would leave interpretive dance as my only means of communicating.

That's one way to bypass the security system...

 - A society word meaning “smart.”

Google security engineer on NSA: "Fuck these guys"

Here's a real ad for those odorless underwear...


Study: racists more likely to own guns

Read this in a magazine:
"...has released this lovely, limited-edition fine art print."
Yeah, limited to ever how many we sell....probably 10 million. It's a sucker play, people.

That face is very similar to the tattoo one of my young bartenders has. She's the one who said she "just picked it off the wall." I find that disturbing...
I'm not saying any of these next ones are real art, but at least they try to be one of a kind, which one would think would be preferable...

Practice makes perfect...
And, boys and girls, no matter what you do in life, do it with enthusiasm.

Girl's Life/Boy's Life. Oh, I get it...
Message: Girls are just so ditzy that they need constant male supervision...

Police sued after horse drools on protestor

 People make up words all the time. The dictionary grows and grows. But some words are better than others. Take "fuck". It was invented, one would assume, by someone out of power, thus denied the "right" to add to the language.
Cause that's the way god wanted it.

(That book gave me nightmares....now it seems it's all coming true.)

 What a way to go.

Here, let me make it simple for you...
And, yes, there will be a quiz.

"Be gentle, it's my first time..."


Trust fall fail...

As much as I detest these runway bimbos and would like to support the protester, I just can't. I mean, when it comes right down to it, there is no difference between beef, leather or fur. One is not more evil than the other.

Do you know the difference between this...
 And this?
One takes talent and lots and lots of practice. A dash of history probably wouldn't hurt.
Even though I like this...
 ...there are parts that can be misunderstood. If you paint just like your friends and have been painting the same way for years (probably since puberty), you are not sharing part of yourself without limitations. You are being lazy.

"He must smell my dog's vagina."
 And her mother thinks it's funny.

This man had fun once........once.
Check out the slaughtered pumpkin.
(by the way, that's what I envision my wife looking like when in March she shaves her head for charity)

If you are going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way.

Stephen Crane.

 This bus driver stopped his bus on a bridge and talked a young woman out of jumping...then sat with her...

So a guy set up his own megaphone...

For whatever reason this 2010 post has been getting A LOT of hits. You may want to view it again...it being Friday and you don't want to work anyway...
>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<



Burgess [in photo] got clean away with killing his wife. He shot her in "target practice". He was rich enough to avoid the consequences. Despite this he is a bit of a hero among some young people.Just shows how stupid some youngsters are I suppose.This photo looks like his ironic comment on these events. Bastard.

mike harris said...

I mean Burroughs, not Burgess-beer I suppose.

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