About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

SUNDAY #3706

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






Found these gems from the Parents against Vaccination.

 "We just don't understand" they will tell anyone who questions them. Now their own children are seeking sanity.


I have a trusted advisor who told me the tale of his own children living in a county where fluoride is added to the water. But his children only drink bottled water and their dental bills are extravagant. You might want to think about that.


I ran across a website with images and viewers were invited to write a short story about it. I have done that here on Folio Olio but without any incentive. Here's an example:

And here is the story that the website chose:
RH: Not that great I will admit. So let's take another approach.

Here are some ideas you may want to expand.

One character thinking another character's joke is funny is just the writer patting their own back for their humor.



I bet he was stalking her, playing the long game.


He did it for his hangovers.

And it was a kid that figured that out.

Every time I decide to start a diet the lettuce is contaminated.



As a man who has left hundred of "packets" all over America, I delight in installations like this.




I demand to be in good shape and I refuse to do anything to make that happen. Those are my terms.








And my favorite because you don't even have to get out of your recliner to shoot somebody...

My wife hates snakes, but if they sold snakes at Target we'd probably have a few snakes.



The Tomb That Inspired Britain's Iconic Telephone Box
The United Kingdom Post Office introduced the first public telephone kiosk, designated K1, in 1921. These were constructed out of pre-cast concrete sections, had a four-sided rectangular form with a pyramidal roof, and was topped by a wrought iron spear. It was not a particularly bad design, but somehow, it didn’t appeal to the British public. The London Metropolitan Boroughs as well as the Birmingham Civic Society voiced their dislike and even resisted the Post Office’s effort to erect K1 kiosks on the streets. To ease the tension, the Royal Fine Art Commission intervened and offered to organize a competition to design a new kiosk. 

An organization run by a former Trump campaign statewide director is being investigated by the New York attorney general’s office for its role in submitting potentially hundreds of thousands of fraudulent comments to the Federal Communications Commission during the agency’s 2017 efforts to rollback Obama-era net neutrality rules.
[verification needed]
RH: Soon there will be NOTHING on the internet we can trust.

Folio Olio in a nutshell. 

Legendary whiskey distiller Jack Daniel actually died from kicking his safe after forgetting the combination. He injured his big toe, which got infected and eventually led to foot amputation. It was too late though, the infection spread, and he eventually died from complications.

My wife once told me that a friend of hers died because of a splinter. Upon questioning the true story emerged.
His foot became infected to the point it had to be amputated. Years later he was in a bar and told a guy he had his severed foot in a jar on his mantel and the guy didn't believe him, so he drove his motorcycle back to his house, got the jar and started back to the bar, only to swerve into oncoming traffic and was killed.
Ergo: Splinter = Death

There used to be a lot of sugar cane grown in the South.

It kind of looks like bamboo, only the inside is full of pulp.
 When chewed it was like redneck candy.


The rules of this ritual were established countless generations prior.

The secret to a 2,000,000 hit blog...
But you must have a discerning eye.

We don't have voluntary control over our internal organs because our brains don't trust us enough to keep ourselves alive.



This was posted in the dressing room of one of our local strip clubs.

 Drugs make every experience memorable.

I love shit like this...

Protecting the important parts.

When New Zealand did the Haka Dance in front of Team USA.

As meager waitstaff jobs go, not half bad.




 God, I love children.


I am the guy who wants Sex Education to live up to its name. I want it to teach every boy where to find the G-Spot and every girl how to take it down her throat without gagging. Today's sex-ed curriculum drives teens away...

 I want young men and women to learn the most satisfying methods of masturbation and how to have sex without becoming pregnant.
And I want them to be introduced to every sex aid ever produced.










Anonymous said...

regarding oral dosage formulations...
For about 3 years now, there has been a 3D-printed drug product available that is highly porous and dissolves within 1-2 seconds upon contact with liquid. The drug that uses this technology is used to treat seizures.

Anonymous said...

Great blog today! Especially liked the Operation Babylift.

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